
Relieve Foot Problems With Exercises

Relieve Foot Problems With Exercises

Feet are extremely complex. There are 26 bones in the feet, 33 joints and over 100 tendons, ligaments and muscles. When one part isn’t doing its job, it can affect all the other moving parts. You don’t have to sit and suffer. In fact, sitting may be the worse thing for you. You can relieve […]

Protect Your Eyesight With Exercise

Protect Your Eyesight With Exercise

You may have read about eye exercises that can help reduce the need for eyeglasses, but did you know that you can protect your eyesight with exercise that involves the whole body? For instance, type 2 diabetes affects the entire body, including vision. One way to help control it is with healthy eating, but when […]

Do You Have A Healthy Balance Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids To Omega-6?

Do You Have A Healthy Balance Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids To Omega-6?

There’s no doubt about, as a nation, our diet is aweful. Not only is sugar, including natural sugars, overwhelming, but the vast majority of foods are so processed, they’re almost nutrient free—while being high in calories. The balance of Omega-3 fatty acids to Omega-6 fatty acids is completely out of whack, too. Even worse, people […]

What Is Qigong?

What Is Qigong?

I am always interested in any form of exercise or movement that helps the body perform better. It’s one reason that I chose to investigate the ancient practice of Qigong. It is an ancient technique used to balance the body’s energy and improve health. It’s similar to Tai Chi. The energy force is called Qi […]

Kale Is More Than Just Decorative

Kale Is More Than Just Decorative

Whether it’s used as decoration for the salad bar or the brilliant magenta kale that adds color to the landscape, doesn’t detract from the nutritional value of this superfood. Kale has been underrated for years and often underused at the dinner table. It’s loaded with nutrients and low in calories, making it a perfect addition for a […]

Is The HCG Diet Healthy?

Is The HCG Diet Healthy?

Is the HCG Diet Healthy? Before you decide whether you’re going to try the latest diet that’s supposed to help you shed pounds fast, you need to find out exactly what it it. The latest diet phenomena is the HCG diet. HCG is the acronym for human chorionic gonadotropin. That’s the hormone women make when they’re pregnant. […]